Said By Aron Schatz
Wow, you sleep walk?
That's nuts!
Nope, I'm fine.
Jaego???Said By ArtemisPanthar
My little brother--
Said By ArtemisPanthar
--seriously sleep walks and talks (but not in any real language). He sleep interacts - I once found him rustling through papers near my bed shouting "Where is it!? Where is it!?" so I asked him what he was looking for and he replied "Tots!" I asked him what Tots were and if I knew what they were, I could help him look for it. He yelled and cursed and than ran back to his room. Didn't remember it the next day. But he does that sort of thing alot. Sometimes waking up the whole house by screaming and running around in his sleep. Eerie.
Said By Haggard
I don't know if this is considered a sleep disorder.. but at least 3 or 4 times a month, I can not fall asleep and end up either going to school or work with no sleep at all. It sucks just laying there and not being able to fall asleep.
Said By Aron Schatz
I think that's a jab at Dave Attell
Said By Artemis Panthar
he's only 11 months younger than I am, hardly little XD
Said By Why Do Men Fall Asleep After Sex?
To begin with, women have anatomically different airway circumference so if there is any obstruction, there's a chance the air passing through will not be as likely to hit the oropharyngeal structures as it would in a man. Additionally, a woman's airway is less prone to collapse as it would a man's airway, and that works in her favor as far as snoring is concerned.
When men put on weight they tend to put it on around the neck area, whereas women put on weight around the hips. The fatty tissue around the neck literally squeezes the airway closed so air can't pass through smoothly. Air then hits the structures within the throat and vibrates them, which causes the noise we know as snoring.
Said By blackwidow47
I know Im an ideot but I just proved that some of you are ediots too
Said By blackwidow47
I know Im an ideot but I just proved that some of you are ediots too
Said By FroogleDoop
To make someone stop snoring, you have to roll them on their side.
Said By blackwidow47
I know Im an ideot but I just proved that some of you are ediots too
Said By blackwidow47
I know Im an ideot but I just proved that some of you are ediots too