Wed Tech News

Aron Schatz
December 7, 2005
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I have some school stuff to take care of today. I plan on doing some type of article on the weekend.

"lol no its not its a virus". Worms now talk to you.


According to IMlogic, the worm, dubbed IM.Myspace04.AIM, has arrived in instant messages that state: "lol thats cool" and included a URL to a malicious file "clarissa17.pif." When unsuspecting users have responded, perhaps asking if the attachment contained a virus, the worm has replied: "lol no its not its a virus", IMlogic said.

Fart gas releasing microbes could survive on Mars.


Methane-producing microbes have been discovered in two extreme environments on Earth - buried under kilometres of ice in Greenland and living in hot, dry desert soil. The findings lend weight to the idea that similar organisms may have lived on Mars. Live microbes making methane were found in a glacial ice core sample retrieved from three kilometres under Greenland by researchers from the University of California, Berkeley, US. It is the first time such archaea have been found at that depth, says Buford Price, one of the research team, which published its results in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences

Microsoft loses South Korean antitrust case.


The U.S. software firm, which was also fined about $32 million, said it would appeal the decision by South Korea's Fair Trade Commission (FTC) but did not plan to make good on a threat to withdraw its Windows operating system from the country. The ruling, which resembles a 2004 European Commission decision, held Microsoft breached antitrust laws by selling a Windows version that incorporated its instant messaging software.

Japanese probe did NOT get asteroid sample. Get the facts right!


The agency said on Wednesday, however, that Hayabusa had touched down on the asteroid, nearly 300 million km (190 million miles) from Earth, but may have failed to shoot a 5 gram (0.18 oz) metal ball toward the surface to collect into a capsule the debris unleashed as a result of the impact.


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