RIAA At It Again

August 8, 2002
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The RIAA said it will be appealing the federal ruling that established payment rates for songs played on Internet radio stations. They want to be shown yet more money! I really don't get these guys sometimes. I understand that the respective people should be getting thier royalties but to try to price the net radio folks out of business will eliminate a quickly growing medium, in which artists can get exposure. This type of medium doesn't generate the same kind of revenue that broadcast radio does. Why can't they shoot for something more reasonable to make all parties happy? Personaly I think they really don't have the artists best interest in mind. I'd like to know really just how much money is going to the artist. Probably not a whole lot. It seems anything that has to do with the internet and music, the RIAA wants to eliminate it, no matter the cost.

Recording Industry Will Appeal Net Radio Ruling


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