Another Ti 4400 review

Aron Schatz
May 8, 2002
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Beyond3D reviews the Visiontek Ti 4400.

While both the Ti4600 and Ti4400 are virtually identical in 3D features/technologies (they both also feature 128MB), the XTASY GeForce4 Ti4400 is a less muscular version of the XTASY GeForce4 Ti4600, the differences coming down solely to the GeForce4 chip's core clock speed as well as DDR memory clock speed. Where the Ti4600 features 300MHz/650MHz core/memory clocks, the Ti4400 features 275MHz/550MHz core/memory clocks. The difference in the core clock speed of 25MHz should not result in too much performance differences - we'll see a relatively small difference in fillrate as well as pure polygon-pushing power. The memory clock speed difference, however, could potentially decide the differences in performance in a variety of circumstances - there is a memory bandwidth difference of approximately 1.6GB/sec (the Ti4600's 10.4GB/sec versus the Ti4400's 8.8GB/sec) and this could be a major performance determinant in situations where various combinations of resolution, anti-aliasing and anisotropic filtering exists.


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