Weather Central 3D:LIVE Integrates Twitter and Facebook Within Broadcast Weather Workflow

March 8, 2010

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Weather Central 3D:LIVE Integrates Twitter and Facebook Within Broadcast Weather Workflow

New Tools Save Time and Effort for Meteorologists While Extending Broadcasters' Ability to Reach Viewers

MADISON, Wis., March 8 -- Weather Central LLC, provider of the world's most-viewed on-air weather solutions, today announced a new set of features for its 3D:LIVE real-time broadcast weather platform that makes it easy for meteorologists to deliver timely information to their audience via Twitter and Facebook. The new social networking toolkit saves meteorologists time and effort by helping them to post elements of their on-air scripts directly to the most popular social networks.


The new addition to 3D:LIVE is just one of a variety of tools offered by Weather Central that enables broadcasters to meet the needs of an audience that expects weather information to be at their fingertips, no matter where they are. The entire range of solutions will be on display at NAB 2010, Las Vegas, April 12-15 in booth SU912.

"Capturing and keeping the attention of today's viewers requires that meteorologists extend themselves beyond the TV to reach people on their mobile phones and PCs," said Bill Boss, vice president of product management and development for Weather Central. "With 3D:LIVE, posting to Twitter and Facebook becomes an integral part of their workflow rather than a separate cut, paste and revision process. Posts can be made in an instant, directly from the 3D:LIVE desktop."

3D:LIVE enables meteorologists to quickly and easily personalize forecasts, graphics and alerts for distribution to their audience across the complete spectrum of broadcast, online and mobile communications mediums.  Tight integration with the newsroom and production environment yields seamless workflow for operations of any size. Backed by the most trusted weather information data service, 3D:LIVE provides high resolution and precise, hyper-local forecasting for every point on the globe.

In addition to the 3D:LIVE social networking tools, Weather Central offers Personal MicroCast(TM), which makes it easy to provide viewers anywhere in the world with hyper-local weather and traffic alerts via e-mail and web pages that merge on-air branding, graphics and personalities into a highly personalized news service for their locations. The ESP:Online(TM) severe weather package delivers pinpoint accurate, visually striking storm information with interactive, highly detailed radar maps that users can explore down to street level for the most engaging experience possible. The new LIVE:Wire Mobile Alert system automatically delivers instant alerts of breaking weather news to viewers on any mobile device.

Social network support will be a standard feature of 3D:LIVE, included with all new installations and available as a free update for 3D:LIVE customers with current service contracts.

For complete information about 3D:LIVE and the complete range of solutions from Weather Central, visit, call +1 (608) 274-5789 or email

About Weather Central, LLC

Weather Central, LLC, founded in 1974 by broadcasters and meteorologists based in Madison, Wisconsin, is the leader in providing professional on-air, online, print, mobile and enterprise weather solutions and forecasting utilizing dynamic weather graphics, precise forecast models and data and patented technology. More than 500 clients and hundreds of millions of consumers worldwide enjoy the benefits of Weather Central solutions' attention to detail and insight.

© 2009 Weather Central LLC, Madison, Wis. All rights reserved. Product specifications and availability are subject to change without notice.  Weather Central LLC, :LIVE, GENESIS:LIVE, 3D:LIVE, ESP:LIVE, Weather Central MagicTRAK, LiveLine GENESIS, A.D.O.N.I.S. MicroCast, A.D.O.N.I.S. FutureCast, StormSentinel DV, WxWarn2, ScreenWRITER, SportsWRITER, SimulCAST, X-Vision, Storm Vitals, TelePath, RainVision, SnowVision, FunnelPATH, CellPATH, HailZONE, GustZONE, MessoPATH, Always-On Training, Instant Mapping and WxPoint are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Weather Central LLC. All other trademarks contained herein are the property of their respective owners.

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