French Parliament Switches To Ubuntu

March 12, 2007
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The French Parliament gives a big F.U. to Microsoft and has announced that it will be switching to Ubuntu. They claim the switch has to do with cost effectiveness that will be less of a burden on tax payers. I think the real reason is that Europe is tired of threatening Microsoft with fines, just so Microsoft can ignore them. They are finally going to take some real action to hurt Microsoft. They are going to stop using their software (which is what people who bitch about Microsoft should do in the first place). Hopefully, other European governments will follow. Perhaps even your average PC user will consider a change.....


"The French parliament has said au revoir to Microsoft Relevant Products/Services. Starting in June of next year, French deputies will use desktops and servers Relevant Products/Services running Linux, Mozilla's Firefox Web browser, and, a free open-source alternative to Microsoft's Office software. For day-to-day documents, French members of parliament and their staff will use, currently in version 2.0.4 and designed to compete directly with Microsoft's Office System. With versions available in languages from Arabic to Welsh, includes several modules to compete with Microsoft Office: Writer, a word processor; Calc, a spreadsheet program; Impress, a presentation package; and Draw, a software package for designing graphics. also includes Base, a database tool that competes with Microsoft's Access. Why the change? The French parliament, composed of an upper chamber (le Senat, or Senate) and a lower chamber (l'Assemblee Nationale, or National Assembly), believes it can save money using open-source software, despite the near-term costs of switching from Microsoft systems and retraining all employees. But that is a matter of some debate."


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