Child Porn: Kids With Full Clothing On

Aron Schatz
November 30, 2006

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The DoJ is trying to change what child porn is. Careful if you take pictures of young people with full clothes on. You may be showing child porn.


Because no sex or nudity is involved, the prosecutions raise unusual First Amendment concerns that stretch beyond mere modeling-related Web sites: children and teens in various degrees of undress appear in everything from newspaper underwear advertisements to the covers of Seventeen and Vogue. When actress and model Brooke Shields was 15 years old, for instance, she appeared in a racy Calvin Klein jean advertisement featuring the memorable line, "Nothing comes between me and my Calvins." Shields also appeared nude at 12 years old in an Oscar-nominated movie called Pretty Baby that was set in a New Orleans brothel. Similarly, 14-year-old Jodie Foster, wearing revealing clothing, played a pre-teen prostitute in Martin Scorsese's Taxi Driver.

The older idiots making the laws in our country need to take a step back and see that the world is changing. Stuff like this is normal in today's world.


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