Net Neutrality Means More Federal Regulation

Aron Schatz
June 27, 2006

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I am bitterly against any two tier Internet, but I am more against federal regulation. Regulation hurts the industry in the long run. Look at the riders attached to the bills, that's even more troubling.


This year, both the House and Senate have been engaged in the difficult process of rewriting our antiquated telecommunications laws. The overarching idea is to bring the benefits of competition to consumers by streamlining the video franchising process. This will allow more service providers to enter the cable market and begin offering Americans more choices at lower prices. However, Net neutrality threatens to hold this needed reform hostage. This term has become a nebulous catchall for a number of competing public policy issues. To illustrate the current level of confusion: Neither the House Energy and Commerce Committee nor the Senate Commerce Committee could arrive at a conclusion of what Net neutrality really means. Senator Ted Stevens, R-Ark., rightly expressed his frustration that defining it was like "defining a vacuum."


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