Tuesday Tech News

Aron Schatz
May 9, 2006
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Alienware chooses Airgo MIMO wireless chips. MIMO is NOT Wifi certified. This chipset is because it can operate under 802.11a/b/g.


"Because high-performance users are increasingly embracing mobile platforms, Airgo's True MIMO technology underscores Alienware's ongoing commitment to delivering the highest performance systems," Mark Vena, Alienware's vice president of marketing, said in a statement. MIMO technology has been adopted as the core of the new IEEE 802.11n MIMO interoperability standard. MIMO is Wi-Fi certified, and can be used with any other Wi-Fi certified 802.11 device on a network, Airgo said.

Walmart tries to trademark the smily face! To protect itself, but still. This is in the PUBLIC DOMAIN! The court better not get a hard-on about this one and throw it out.


He and his London-based company SmileyWorld today own the rights to the logo in more than 80 countries around the world. The US is not included in this list, and SmileyWorld and Wal-Mart are now at loggerheads before the US Patent and Trademark Office. A final decision is expected in August.

HD-DVD notebook to be released from Toshiba. Does anyone care? It also doesn't support Viiv, whatever that means.


The Qosmio G35 is packed with high-performance features. It comes with a 2GHz Core Duo processor from Intel, two 100GB hard drives with RAID (redundant array of independent disks) support for backing up movies and music, and 1GB of DDR2 memory. It also uses Nvidia's GeForce Go 7600 with 256MB of DDR3 memory. All that performance won't come cheap. The Qosmio G35 will cost $2,999, up from the $2,399 price tag on the Qosmio G30, McFarland said. And it's not light, weighing in at 10.1 pounds. The notebook will be available on Toshiba's Web site later this week, and in retail stores next week, he said.


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