Tuesday Tech News

Aron Schatz
March 28, 2006
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Horses make flu vaccine.


They then collected the horses’ blood, separated out the antibodies and split them to make them less likely to cause an allergic reaction when injected into a human. When they injected mice with a tenth of a milligram of these antibodies 24 hours after they had been given an otherwise lethal dose of H5N1, all the mice lived.

Green wet dry explosives.


Huynh’s team overcame this by tweaking the distribution of charge on the nitrotetrazole molecule. Switching charge groups on the molecule also changed the substance’s overall properties, such as its sensitivity to ignition through physical contact or heat. This could allow the substance to be tailored for specific applications, says Huynh.

NASA cuts budget cuts.


Astrobiology research grants were $32.5 million per year in NASA's 2007 budget request to Congress, half of funding levels in 2005. The request, announced in February 2006, called for funding to remain constant through 2011. The cuts meant that NASA could still afford to fund the three-year grants it had already committed to through 2006, but not any research proposals it had solicited in 2005 or any new proposals in 2006, said Carl Pilcher, NASA's senior scientist for astrobiology.


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