Tuesday Tech News

Aron Schatz
February 7, 2006
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Net neutrality.


On Tuesday the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science & Transportation is holding a hearing to discuss the issue. Companies such as Amazon.com, eBay, Google and Microsoft are pushing congressional leaders to draft legislation that calls for "network neutrality," which would bar phone companies and cable operators from picking favorites.

Photoshop on Linux needed.


So far, the most-requested applications have primarily been tools for design, Web publishing and multimedia. Photoshop, Dreamweaver and Macromedia Studio, AutoDesk's AutoCAD and Apple Computer's iTunes head the list. Norris said these results indicate that Linux on the desktop has matured; in the past, there was primarily demand for basic applications such as word processing, e-mail clients and Web browsers.

NASA to pump more money into Shuttle.


Griffin and other NASA officials announced the cuts on Monday during a press briefing on US president George Bush's 2007 budget request to Congress. In the proposed budget, NASA would receive $16.8 billion in 2007, an increase of 3.2% over the amount Congress appropriated for the agency for 2006. (This excludes $350 million given in 2006 to cover damage caused by Hurricane Katrina.)


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