Tuesday Tech News

Aron Schatz
November 29, 2005
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I've got some stuff planned for the end of the week. In the meantime, post your stuff at ASEville: »http://www.aseville.com

Group protests Verisign's control of .com.


The original dispute between VeriSign and ICANN arose after VeriSign introduced a new service called Site Finder in September 2003, directing Internet users who mistyped domain names to a VeriSign site that allowed consumers to choose from a list of alternative names. VeriSign planned to make money by selling advertisements on the site.

Cyber Monday wasn't.


Just one problem: It's not true, at least for many online retailers. Contrary to what the recent blitz of media coverage implies, Cyber Monday isn't nearly the biggest online shopping or spending day of the year. It ranks only as the 12th-biggest day historically, according to market researcher comScore Networks. It's not even the first big day of the season.

Cassini spans Saturn volcano.


On a previous, much closer pass by Enceladus, Cassini detected that the south pole of Enceladus is spewing out a vast plume of water vapour that stretches hundreds of kilometres from the moon's surface and keeps Saturn's E-ring topped up - but it has now captured the first images of this activity. On Sunday, 27 November, Cassini was positioned so that the Sun was behind the moon, causing one side of Enceladus to be illuminated as a fine crescent, with its volcanic plumes backlit.


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