Thursday Morning Tech News

Aron Schatz
August 18, 2005
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I'm nearly finished loading spyware on my test PC for a review. Should be up by Friday or Saturday.

Schools perform balancing act of security and freedom.


As they face these attacks, IT professionals at college campuses are developing specialized means to keep information and data secure. They're coming up with ways to let a variety of users with different machines and different levels of authorization connect easily to their networks. That's striking a chord for companies coming to terms with an increasingly mobile work force, and corporate America is finding it can learn a thing or two from universities about managing security matters.

Chinese dude arrested for stealing fake items.


A man has been arrested in Japan on suspicion carrying out a virtual mugging spree by using software "bots" to beat up and rob characters in the online computer game Lineage II. The stolen virtual possessions were then exchanged for real cash. The Chinese exchange student was arrested by police in Kagawa prefecture, southern Japan, the Mainichi Daily News reports.

Music swappers in Singapore arrested.


The three young men who were arrested, between the ages of 16 to 22, had shared more than 20,000 files in internet chatrooms. It was the first time Singapore police have clamped down on web surfers who download pirated music and films since new copyright laws came into effect in January this year.

Nokia says no to iTunes phone.


But Nokia said that because of the design of the new N-series phones, software developers could readily produce programs to allow the gadgets to use services like iTunes. "There is no commercial agreement between Nokia and Apple to integrate iTunes into the N-series devices," said Kari Tuutti, spokesman for Nokia's multimedia division.


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