Wed Reviews

Aron Schatz
June 9, 2005
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Ultra XL PC3200 @ CTZ.


Yes, its yet another memory maker trying to enter the low-latency stream. A few years ago, there were quite a few memory makers, but since the introduction of low-latency TCCDs from Samsung, the market seems to have exploded with these wonders from practically every memory maker in the market. Either the profit margins are ridiculously high on memory these days that even a small percentage accounts for serious revenue or memory makers simply think of Samsung’s TCCDs as a gift of appreciation.

Gigabyte Passive X800XL @ bjorn3d.


My first thought when asked to review a completely silent X800 XL was, 'Hey, that would be a perfect HTPC card. Good gaming and silent! Sign me up!' Unfortunately, the height of the Silent-Pipe X800 XL (GV-RX80L256V) due to its heatpipes will prohibit it from fitting in my current HTPC case (an Antec Overture) and many others. Nevertheless, it still seems like a top media PC option to me. Keep reading to find out if the performance is on par with other X800 XL PCI Express cards and to learn more about this cool and silent offering from Gigabyte.

Mushkin HP3200 @ VL.


If you are any of those then this kit is awesome. The tight timings and overclocking headroom make this kit an excellent choice. Having 2GB of ram gives you some nice options when it comes to system performance and usability. You can totally eliminate any virtual memory in the system, and you also have the ability to make a good sized high speed ram drive. Try running an app out of a ram drive and you will never want to use your hard drive again.

OCZ PC4000 @ PCStats.


At 3.2V, the OCZ PC4000 Gold Dual Channel VX seemed very happy and the system was stable all the way up to 260 MHz. Anything higher caused more stability problems. It seems like the memory was starting to top out, since the voltage had to be increased substantially to squeeze out a few more MHz. In the end, the memory hit a high of 268 MHz while running using 2-2-2-5 memory timings with a voltage of 3.5V . Increasing the voltage higher actually lowered the memory's maximum overclock.

OCZ PC4800 @ RBMods.


The memory review we have in front of us today should be very interesting, this ram has already been reviewed by several sites and had very high overclocking results. The name of the kit today is OCZ DDR PC4800 Platinum, which you might have read about already but today rbmods will take their shot with this nice looking ram so stay tuned as we compare it to some other very fast sticks or ram.


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