Wed Tech News

Aron Schatz
June 8, 2005
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The middle of the week, it's all downhill from here... or is it uphill? Check out the forums: »

MARSIS set to deploy second radar boom.


A stalled experiment to search for underground water on Mars is back on track after officials agreed to deploy the second of two identical radar booms on Europe's Mars Express spacecraft. The deployment, set for 14 June, could give the entire spacecraft a new lease on life, as its future funding may depend on the data obtained by this radar.

Opportunity is on the move again.


"We definitely will not be doing long blind drives in this terrain for awhile. Instead, we’ll start turning back on many of the safety checks that we have in our driving software, proceeding much more cautiously," Squyres said. "We’ll also try to plan our drives so that we stay in the troughs between the dunes, rather than driving up and over them."

Women's orgasm gene. Aha!


According to a study published this week, up to 45% of the differences between women in their ability to reach orgasm can be explained by their genes. Despite decades of surveys and conjecture about the role of culture, upbringing and biology in female sexual function, from Freud in 1905 to the Hite report in 1976, this is the first study of the role of a woman’s genes.

CVS to sell disposable camcorder.


The $29.99 pocket-sized camcorder was developed by Pure Digital Technologies Inc., a San Francisco-based start-up company. ... The camcorder weighs under 5 ounces and holds 20 minutes of digital video and sound. It features a 1.4 inch color playback screen and an ability to delete video, and it saves video on a memory chip instead of tapes. After shooting, customers have to return the recyclable camcorder to their local CVS store and its contents would then be transferred onto a DVD disc to view and share for a $12.99 processing fee.


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