a la carte Cable?

Aron Schatz
March 29, 2004
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If you're sick of seeing the channels that you hate, and don't want to pay for, Congress has a solution for you. Cable a la carte. That's right. Soon it may be a law to allow you to pick the channels you want to pay for.


Under an a la carte system, top-rated cable channels such as USA Network would probably thrive because ratings suggest enough people would choose to buy it individually to make it worth a programmer's while. However, less-watched channels that serve distinct but smaller audiences, such as TechTV and BET, may not survive, because not enough viewers would pay for them. Under the current system, consumers effectively subsidize less-popular channels, which cable companies say provides diversity in the cable and satellite universe.

In case you didn't know, Comcast is in the final stages of buying TechTV, I don't think they'll go down that easily.


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