Asus A7V333 review

Aron Schatz
May 28, 2002
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Active-Hardware busts out another KT333 review.

As is usually the case with every new motherboard that comes out of Asus HQ, the A7V333 is one beautiful piece of equipment. It is well-designed, and overflowing with features -- two things that make it worth its weight in gold. It also doesn't hurt that we flew through our tests without so much as a hiccup, and that the A7V333 is packed with Overclocking features. Clearly, this board was made for tweakers. Even if you don't fall into the "tweaker" category though, you're sure to appreciate the integrated RAID controller, the six-channel audio card, and the numerous USB ports. For those reasons and more, we're happy to award the Asus A7V333 motherboard our "Top Grade Hardware Award" and our warmest recommendations.


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