Abit AT7-Max review

Aron Schatz
May 23, 2002
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Legion looks at the Athlon variant of the legacy free Abit motherboards.

Out of all the KT333 boards tested here at Legion Hardware over the last four or so months the AT7 MAX has just became the all time favorite. This has happened for so many reasons, performance being one reason however not the biggest. There is little performance difference between the slowest KT333 board and the fastest and this is because of reasons beyond the motherboard manufactures control. So in the end performance isn’t a key element from KT333 boards, however what is a key element are features and lots of them. Abit’s AT7 MAX packs more features than any other KT333 board we know of. By phasing out inferior technologies such as ISA, serial and parallel ports it makes room for all the newest features that will take us into the future. Unfortunately all these features won’t come at a small price as the board retails for around $160 US however the price tag is easily justified considering you get a high performance KT333 motherboard with all the features imaginable.


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