Blockbuster Selling Itself

Aron Schatz
February 22, 2011

Page 1: News Post

That's right. The movie rental chain is now going to be up for sale to the highest bidder. Since Blockbuster is in Chapter 11, this move needs to clear the bankruptcy court first.


The rental company announced yesterday that it will be holding a special auction to sell off its operation to the highest bidder. The company decided to hold an auction after a "stalking horse" bidder, Cobalt Video Holdco, came along and offered management $290 million for its U.S. and international subsidies, Blockbuster said. That $290 million fee, which Blockbuster agreed to in an asset-purchase arrangement, will be used as the minimum amount that management will accept from any bidder.

However, there are several factors at play before Blockbuster can hold an auction for its sale. For one, the company is in Chapter 11 bankruptcy, for which it filed a petition in September. It now needs to receive authorization by the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of New York to hold an auction. Along the way, it is also trying to "accelerate" its movement through bankruptcy.



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