New FireFox 4 Beta Released!

Daniel Doty
November 12, 2010

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As many of you know, Mozilla has pushed back the main release candidate to early 2011. However, Mozilla has released the 9th beta that they claim is "feature rich" and complete. The development team claims that the new FireFox Beta is much faster, and sports 3D viewing!


Be sure to check out all the Features in this release of the FireFox Beta!


WebM and HD Video

As pioneers of HTML5 video standards, Firefox also supports the WebM format so you can watch open HD quality video.

When on the features page, check out the new 3D ability!


new 3D on the Web

WebGL brings 3D graphics to Firefox, opening the door for developers to create vivid games and new kinds of visualizations and experiences for the Web.

And while at the main site, be sure to check out some of the claimed technologies.


Web Technologies

See how Firefox 4 advances the modern web with our big chart full of check marks.

And of course to give the new FireFox beta a try, be sure to check it out and download it from the main FireFox 4 beta home page!



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